Nah, aku tak suka.
Ask for anything deyyy
Dancing is the cure.

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.Friday, August 21, 2009 ' 2:48 AM Y
i can't deny that i don't miss those times ?
Emcee Script for FD Anniversary
(Pre-show by Bellson and Jack)
(Photo Montage)
Emcee standby
(Capsule of Hope)
As the capsule bearer march in from the middle door at the back.
Emcee 2: Do you see something approaching the Auditorium from the back?
Emcee 1: Yes, I can see it. What’s that?
Emcee2: It looks like a capsule. Do you know what it is?
Emcee1: Oh, I think it is the Capsule of Hope! I heard that inside this capsule are wishes that the students and ICs have penned down.
Emcee2: Oh ya, this capsule will remain sealed until years later when it will be opened and distributed to the students.
Emcee 1: So during this period, prayers will be sent to all these wishes. Without further-a-do, let’s start our evening gongyo and daimoku to start this afternoon’s FD anniversary.
Emcee2: And we have the following prayers in mind. (1) Mr and Mrs Ikeda’s good health, longevity, safety and success in all their kosen-rufu endeavors. (2) All FD ICs, aunties and students’ good health, happiness and success in everything they do. (3) Strength, wisdom and good fortune of all students to win in their daily life and upcoming exams. (4) Great success of today’s FD anniversary.
Emcee 1: The doshi today will be __________.
After gongyo and daimoku, no introduction is required from emcee. Emcee needs to get into position for the Flint dance. Microphones to be passed to logistic.
(Flint 6 Dance)
Emcee 1&2: Good Afternoon to one and all!
Emcee 1: I am Don
Emcee 2: And I am Rachel
Emcee 1&2: And we’ll be your emcee for today.
*BIG cue card shown by one emcee for them to clap*
Emcee 1&2: Thank you, thank you
*bows and acts like celeb*
Emcee 1: Eh Rachel, I see many familiar faces in the auditorium.
Emcee 2: Yea and there are many new friends too! Why don’t we give a round of applause for the students joining us for the first time.
Emcee 1: Are you ready to start today’s FD 16 Anniversary?
*hopes for cheers*
Emcee 2: To start off today’s anniversary, let’s invite our FD Chief, Cheng See, to give us the opening speech. Cheng See please.
(Opening Speech by FD Chief)
(Appointment / Graduation)
(Ex-FD chief Ghee Han Handover speech)
Emcee 1: Thank you chiefs. Rachel, have you been following the Sensei’s anime that was showed during the FD zone meeting since the beginning of this year?
Emcee 2: Yes, of course and I loved it.
Emcee 1: Did you’ll like it?
*If respond is yes*
Emcee 2: Then you’re in luck! Today, we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
*if respond is no*
Emcee 2: But you still have to watch it. Cause today we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
Emcee 1&2: So let’s seat back, relax and enjoy the anime.
(Sensei’s Anime Ep 4)
Emcee2: Don, can you recall the beautiful songs that were played before the meeting started?
Emcee2: Yea, what about them?
Emcee2: Do you think the performers resemble each other?
Emcee1: No.
Emcee2: They are actually father and son!
*emcee 1 gasp*
Emcee2: Close you mouth la, before a fly flies into your mouth. Is it that shocking?
*emcee one speechless*
Emcee2: They are music pieces played by the duo Uncle Jack, and his son Bellson. . Now, they will be presenting 2 more songs for us: 谢谢你的爱 and 月亮代表我的心.
Emcee 1&2: Let’s put our hands to welcome Bellson and Uncle Jack!
(Bellson and Jack Main Show)
Emcee 1: Thank you Bellson and Uncle Jack for the wonderful performance. It was great right?
*replies yes, hopefully*
Emcee2: I think they deserve another round of applause.
Emcee 1: We have now come to the highlight of the show.
Emcee 2: Yes, it is an unprecedented ‘celebrity’ talk show.
Emcee 1: Wow you sure are clever
*Rachel starts bowing*
Emcee 1&2: So now let’s welcome the 2 hosts – Shan Lin and Kar Keat!
(SYM Video)
Emcee 1: Wow, looks like 2010 will be a year filled with excitement with the sym held in __(month)__.
Emcee 2: Yes, you bet! But are you aware that in FD, we also have a lot of other programmes which are equally exciting? Like the FLINT training!
Emcee 1: Of course! Cause
Emcee 1&2: we’re from FLINT 6!
Emcee 1: Does anybody know what does FLINT stand for?
*waits for response, no response*
Emcee 2: Well, it stands for Future Leaders in Niche Training!
Emcee1: And today we’ll be having the FLINT graduation ceremony. So now, let’s welcome all the members of flint to the stage
(Flint Graduation)
Emcee 2: Besides the FLINT course, FD also had a series of classes for students during the June holidays.
Emcee 1: One of them was the singing class. So today, two talented singers from the singing class will be performing for us a medley of songs.
*Rachel starts to sing*
Emcee 1: Erm, Rachel, it’s not your performance. So now, lets welcome them on stage!
*laughs, hopefully*
*Rachel gives 无奈 face*
*claps by audience*
(Grand Finale)
(Guidance by ______) (?)
Emcee 1&2: Thank you for attending today’s FD 16 anniversary, we hope that you’ve enjoyed the performances and look forward to seeing you in the upcoming FD activities.

. ' 2:48 AM Y
i can't deny that i don't miss those times ?
Emcee Script for FD Anniversary
(Pre-show by Bellson and Jack)
(Photo Montage)
Emcee standby
(Capsule of Hope)
As the capsule bearer march in from the middle door at the back.
Emcee 2: Do you see something approaching the Auditorium from the back?
Emcee 1: Yes, I can see it. What’s that?
Emcee2: It looks like a capsule. Do you know what it is?
Emcee1: Oh, I think it is the Capsule of Hope! I heard that inside this capsule are wishes that the students and ICs have penned down.
Emcee2: Oh ya, this capsule will remain sealed until years later when it will be opened and distributed to the students.
Emcee 1: So during this period, prayers will be sent to all these wishes. Without further-a-do, let’s start our evening gongyo and daimoku to start this afternoon’s FD anniversary.
Emcee2: And we have the following prayers in mind. (1) Mr and Mrs Ikeda’s good health, longevity, safety and success in all their kosen-rufu endeavors. (2) All FD ICs, aunties and students’ good health, happiness and success in everything they do. (3) Strength, wisdom and good fortune of all students to win in their daily life and upcoming exams. (4) Great success of today’s FD anniversary.
Emcee 1: The doshi today will be __________.
After gongyo and daimoku, no introduction is required from emcee. Emcee needs to get into position for the Flint dance. Microphones to be passed to logistic.
(Flint 6 Dance)
Emcee 1&2: Good Afternoon to one and all!
Emcee 1: I am Don
Emcee 2: And I am Rachel
Emcee 1&2: And we’ll be your emcee for today.
*BIG cue card shown by one emcee for them to clap*
Emcee 1&2: Thank you, thank you
*bows and acts like celeb*
Emcee 1: Eh Rachel, I see many familiar faces in the auditorium.
Emcee 2: Yea and there are many new friends too! Why don’t we give a round of applause for the students joining us for the first time.
Emcee 1: Are you ready to start today’s FD 16 Anniversary?
*hopes for cheers*
Emcee 2: To start off today’s anniversary, let’s invite our FD Chief, Cheng See, to give us the opening speech. Cheng See please.
(Opening Speech by FD Chief)
(Appointment / Graduation)
(Ex-FD chief Ghee Han Handover speech)
Emcee 1: Thank you chiefs. Rachel, have you been following the Sensei’s anime that was showed during the FD zone meeting since the beginning of this year?
Emcee 2: Yes, of course and I loved it.
Emcee 1: Did you’ll like it?
*If respond is yes*
Emcee 2: Then you’re in luck! Today, we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
*if respond is no*
Emcee 2: But you still have to watch it. Cause today we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
Emcee 1&2: So let’s seat back, relax and enjoy the anime.

Emcee2: Don, can you recall the beautiful songs that were played before the meeting started?
Emcee2: Yea, what about them?
Emcee2: Do you think the performers resemble each other?
Emcee1: No.
Emcee2: They are actually father and son!
*emcee 1 gasp*
Emcee2: Close you mouth la, before a fly flies into your mouth. Is it that shocking?
*emcee one speechless*
Emcee2: They are music pieces played by the duo Uncle Jack, and his son Bellson. . Now, they will be presenting 2 more songs for us: 谢谢你的爱 and 月亮代表我的心.
Emcee 1&2: Let’s put our hands to welcome Bellson and Uncle Jack!
(Bellson and Jack Main Show)
Emcee 1: Thank you Bellson and Uncle Jack for the wonderful performance. It was great right?
*replies yes, hopefully*
Emcee2: I think they deserve another round of applause.
Emcee 1: We have now come to the highlight of the show.
Emcee 2: Yes, it is an unprecedented ‘celebrity’ talk show.
Emcee 1: Wow you sure are clever
*Rachel starts bowing*
Emcee 1&2: So now let’s welcome the 2 hosts – Shan Lin and Kar Keat!
(SYM Video)
Emcee 1: Wow, looks like 2010 will be a year filled with excitement with the sym held in __(month)__.
Emcee 2: Yes, you bet! But are you aware that in FD, we also have a lot of other programmes which are equally exciting? Like the FLINT training!
Emcee 1: Of course! Cause
Emcee 1&2: we’re from FLINT 6!
Emcee 1: Does anybody know what does FLINT stand for?
*waits for response, no response*
Emcee 2: Well, it stands for Future Leaders in Niche Training!
Emcee1: And today we’ll be having the FLINT graduation ceremony. So now, let’s welcome all the members of flint to the stage
(Flint Graduation)
Emcee 2: Besides the FLINT course, FD also had a series of classes for students during the June holidays.
Emcee 1: One of them was the singing class. So today, two talented singers from the singing class will be performing for us a medley of songs.
*Rachel starts to sing*
Emcee 1: Erm, Rachel, it’s not your performance. So now, lets welcome them on stage!
*laughs, hopefully*
*Rachel gives 无奈 face*
*claps by audience*
(Grand Finale)
(Guidance by ______) (?)
Emcee 1&2: Thank you for attending today’s FD 16 anniversary, we hope that you’ve enjoyed the performances and look forward to seeing you in the upcoming FD activities.

. ' 2:48 AM Y
i can't deny that i don't miss those times ?
Emcee Script for FD Anniversary

Emcee standby

As the capsule bearer march in from the middle door at the back.
Emcee 2: Do you see something approaching the Auditorium from the back?
Emcee 1: Yes, I can see it. What’s that?
Emcee2: It looks like a capsule. Do you know what it is?
Emcee1: Oh, I think it is the Capsule of Hope! I heard that inside this capsule are wishes that the students and ICs have penned down.
Emcee2: Oh ya, this capsule will remain sealed until years later when it will be opened and distributed to the students.
Emcee 1: So during this period, prayers will be sent to all these wishes. Without further-a-do, let’s start our evening gongyo and daimoku to start this afternoon’s FD anniversary.
Emcee2: And we have the following prayers in mind. (1) Mr and Mrs Ikeda’s good health, longevity, safety and success in all their kosen-rufu endeavors. (2) All FD ICs, aunties and students’ good health, happiness and success in everything they do. (3) Strength, wisdom and good fortune of all students to win in their daily life and upcoming exams. (4) Great success of today’s FD anniversary.
Emcee 1: The doshi today will be __________.
After gongyo and daimoku, no introduction is required from emcee. Emcee needs to get into position for the Flint dance. Microphones to be passed to logistic.

Emcee 1&2: Good Afternoon to one and all!
Emcee 1: I am Don
Emcee 2: And I am Rachel
Emcee 1&2: And we’ll be your emcee for today.
*BIG cue card shown by one emcee for them to clap*
Emcee 1&2: Thank you, thank you
*bows and acts like celeb*
Emcee 1: Eh Rachel, I see many familiar faces in the auditorium.
Emcee 2: Yea and there are many new friends too! Why don’t we give a round of applause for the students joining us for the first time.
Emcee 1: Are you ready to start today’s FD 16 Anniversary?
*hopes for cheers*
Emcee 2: To start off today’s anniversary, let’s invite our FD Chief, Cheng See, to give us the opening speech. Cheng See please.

Emcee 1: Thank you chiefs. Rachel, have you been following the Sensei’s anime that was showed during the FD zone meeting since the beginning of this year?
Emcee 2: Yes, of course and I loved it.
Emcee 1: Did you’ll like it?
*If respond is yes*
Emcee 2: Then you’re in luck! Today, we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
*if respond is no*
Emcee 2: But you still have to watch it. Cause today we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
Emcee 1&2: So let’s seat back, relax and enjoy the anime.

Emcee2: Don, can you recall the beautiful songs that were played before the meeting started?
Emcee2: Yea, what about them?
Emcee2: Do you think the performers resemble each other?
Emcee1: No.
Emcee2: They are actually father and son!
*emcee 1 gasp*
Emcee2: Close you mouth la, before a fly flies into your mouth. Is it that shocking?
*emcee one speechless*
Emcee2: They are music pieces played by the duo Uncle Jack, and his son Bellson. . Now, they will be presenting 2 more songs for us: 谢谢你的爱 and 月亮代表我的心.
Emcee 1&2: Let’s put our hands to welcome Bellson and Uncle Jack!

Emcee 1: Thank you Bellson and Uncle Jack for the wonderful performance. It was great right?
*replies yes, hopefully*
Emcee2: I think they deserve another round of applause.
Emcee 1: We have now come to the highlight of the show.
Emcee 2: Yes, it is an unprecedented ‘celebrity’ talk show.
Emcee 1: Wow you sure are clever
*Rachel starts bowing*
Emcee 1&2: So now let’s welcome the 2 hosts – Shan Lin and Kar Keat!

Emcee 1: Wow, looks like 2010 will be a year filled with excitement with the sym held in __(month)__.
Emcee 2: Yes, you bet! But are you aware that in FD, we also have a lot of other programmes which are equally exciting? Like the FLINT training!
Emcee 1: Of course! Cause
Emcee 1&2: we’re from FLINT 6!
Emcee 1: Does anybody know what does FLINT stand for?
*waits for response, no response*
Emcee 2: Well, it stands for Future Leaders in Niche Training!
Emcee1: And today we’ll be having the FLINT graduation ceremony. So now, let’s welcome all the members of flint to the stage

Emcee 2: Besides the FLINT course, FD also had a series of classes for students during the June holidays.
Emcee 1: One of them was the singing class. So today, two talented singers from the singing class will be performing for us a medley of songs.
*Rachel starts to sing*
Emcee 1: Erm, Rachel, it’s not your performance. So now, lets welcome them on stage!
*laughs, hopefully*
*Rachel gives 无奈 face*
*claps by audience*

Emcee 1&2: Thank you for attending today’s FD 16 anniversary, we hope that you’ve enjoyed the performances and look forward to seeing you in the upcoming FD activities.

. ' 2:47 AM Y
i can't deny that i don't miss those times ?
Emcee Script for FD Anniversary

Emcee standby

As the capsule bearer march in from the middle door at the back.
Emcee 2: Do you see something approaching the Auditorium from the back?
Emcee 1: Yes, I can see it. What’s that?
Emcee2: It looks like a capsule. Do you know what it is?
Emcee1: Oh, I think it is the Capsule of Hope! I heard that inside this capsule are wishes that the students and ICs have penned down.
Emcee2: Oh ya, this capsule will remain sealed until years later when it will be opened and distributed to the students.
Emcee 1: So during this period, prayers will be sent to all these wishes. Without further-a-do, let’s start our evening gongyo and daimoku to start this afternoon’s FD anniversary.
Emcee2: And we have the following prayers in mind. (1) Mr and Mrs Ikeda’s good health, longevity, safety and success in all their kosen-rufu endeavors. (2) All FD ICs, aunties and students’ good health, happiness and success in everything they do. (3) Strength, wisdom and good fortune of all students to win in their daily life and upcoming exams. (4) Great success of today’s FD anniversary.
Emcee 1: The doshi today will be __________.
After gongyo and daimoku, no introduction is required from emcee. Emcee needs to get into position for the Flint dance. Microphones to be passed to logistic.

Emcee 1&2: Good Afternoon to one and all!
Emcee 1: I am Don
Emcee 2: And I am Rachel
Emcee 1&2: And we’ll be your emcee for today.
*BIG cue card shown by one emcee for them to clap*
Emcee 1&2: Thank you, thank you
*bows and acts like celeb*
Emcee 1: Eh Rachel, I see many familiar faces in the auditorium.
Emcee 2: Yea and there are many new friends too! Why don’t we give a round of applause for the students joining us for the first time.
Emcee 1: Are you ready to start today’s FD 16 Anniversary?
*hopes for cheers*
Emcee 2: To start off today’s anniversary, let’s invite our FD Chief, Cheng See, to give us the opening speech. Cheng See please.

Emcee 1: Thank you chiefs. Rachel, have you been following the Sensei’s anime that was showed during the FD zone meeting since the beginning of this year?
Emcee 2: Yes, of course and I loved it.
Emcee 1: Did you’ll like it?
*If respond is yes*
Emcee 2: Then you’re in luck! Today, we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
*if respond is no*
Emcee 2: But you still have to watch it. Cause today we’ll be continuing with Episode 4 of Sensei’s anime.
Emcee 1&2: So let’s seat back, relax and enjoy the anime.

Emcee2: Don, can you recall the beautiful songs that were played before the meeting started?
Emcee2: Yea, what about them?
Emcee2: Do you think the performers resemble each other?
Emcee1: No.
Emcee2: They are actually father and son!
*emcee 1 gasp*
Emcee2: Close you mouth la, before a fly flies into your mouth. Is it that shocking?
*emcee one speechless*
Emcee2: They are music pieces played by the duo Uncle Jack, and his son Bellson. . Now, they will be presenting 2 more songs for us: 谢谢你的爱 and 月亮代表我的心.
Emcee 1&2: Let’s put our hands to welcome Bellson and Uncle Jack!

Emcee 1: Thank you Bellson and Uncle Jack for the wonderful performance. It was great right?
*replies yes, hopefully*
Emcee2: I think they deserve another round of applause.
Emcee 1: We have now come to the highlight of the show.
Emcee 2: Yes, it is an unprecedented ‘celebrity’ talk show.
Emcee 1: Wow you sure are clever
*Rachel starts bowing*
Emcee 1&2: So now let’s welcome the 2 hosts – Shan Lin and Kar Keat!

Emcee 1: Wow, looks like 2010 will be a year filled with excitement with the sym held in __(month)__.
Emcee 2: Yes, you bet! But are you aware that in FD, we also have a lot of other programmes which are equally exciting? Like the FLINT training!
Emcee 1: Of course! Cause
Emcee 1&2: we’re from FLINT 6!
Emcee 1: Does anybody know what does FLINT stand for?
*waits for response, no response*
Emcee 2: Well, it stands for Future Leaders in Niche Training!
Emcee1: And today we’ll be having the FLINT graduation ceremony. So now, let’s welcome all the members of flint to the stage

Emcee 2: Besides the FLINT course, FD also had a series of classes for students during the June holidays.
Emcee 1: One of them was the singing class. So today, two talented singers from the singing class will be performing for us a medley of songs.
*Rachel starts to sing*
Emcee 1: Erm, Rachel, it’s not your performance. So now, lets welcome them on stage!
*laughs, hopefully*
*Rachel gives 无奈 face*
*claps by audience*

Emcee 1&2: Thank you for attending today’s FD 16 anniversary, we hope that you’ve enjoyed the performances and look forward to seeing you in the upcoming FD activities.

.Friday, July 11, 2008 ' 5:27 AM Y
i can't deny that i don't miss those times ?
test :D


Le passé.
  • July 2008
  • August 2009


    C'est moi.

    The name's Rachel Zhuang, born on 3rdMARCH1994. Lianhuarian`06 ; 1b/2b ROCKERS`07,08 ; 3a/4a`09,10


    YSHINee, ???

    Free Counter
    bold underline italic slash strong


    'NAFA-Dance/Music; NP-ABM ^^
    'Top 3 in class. =.=
    'Nike Shoebag, gigantic teddy bears,Fererro Rocher tower for my birthday. And alot of people to celebrate with me. Especially him. :D
    'that fucking bitch to fuck off from my sight.
    'my own drum set
    'more bears:D
    'black/white rectangular frame specs :D
    'new phone?
    '7th piercing
    '8th helix piercing
    'everything above striked :D



    Edited by ME.:D
    Music by IMEEM
    Pictures from PHOTOBUCKET
    Brushes:Adobe Photoshop, x x
    Leave the credits alone, thanks :D